Ian Rodgers Joinery offer a fantastic supply and fit service for anybody who wants UPVC Cladding in their bathroom in the Middlesbrough, Stockton & Redcar areas.
A lot more of our customers are siding with the cladding option for their bathroom rather than tiling for numerous reasons:
- Wider range of designs
- Easier to clean
- Easier to install
- More aesthetically pleasing
- A lot more versatile as you can box of piping and add the cladding to the ceiling
- A lot more cost effective
The last point is very important. You can save hundreds of pounds when choosing cladding for your bathroom ahead of tiling. The product is cheaper per square meter, plus its easier to apply so it saves your labour costs.
Ian Rodgers Joinery get fantastic discounts from local suppliers such as MB Distribution. So if you see something you like, speak to a member of our team and we will pass our discount straight onto you.
Give Ian a call direct today on 07748 665 131 to get a free quotation on your bathroom cladding.